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Course Offerings

Symphonic Band

A1, B5

The DA Symphonic Band is the preparatory concert band for the DA Wind Symphony. Students in this ensemble pariticipate in weekly studio class with DA guest faculty. The Symphonic Band consistently earns straight superior ratings at FBA District MPA and often at State Concert MPA. Several members of the DA Symphonic Band represent the DA band program in the FMEA All-State Ensembles and the Duval/Nassau District Honor Band. The DA Symphonic Band was recently featured as a clinic ensemble in the Duval County Band Director in-service in 2018.

Jazz Ensemble II


Jazz Ensemble II is the training ensemble for Jazz Ensemble I. 

Wind Symphony

A4 & B8

The Wind Symphony is the premier wind and percussion performing ensemble at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts. The Wind Symphony is committed to performing the absolute best wind band literature (original works, marches, and transcriptions) at an exceptionally high level of achievement. Wind Symphony students often participate in summer music festivals across the United States and many represent DA in the FMEA All-State Ensembles and the Duval/Nassau District Honor Band. Wind Symphony students participate in weekly studio class with DA guest faculty.


The Wind Symphony performs 5-7 unique concerts per year, as well as providing personnel for the DA Symphony Orchestra. Additionally, the Wind Symphony performs at concerts, conferences, festivals, and regional/national events 1-2 times per year. The DA Wind Symphony resume of invited performances include the Midwest Clinic (3 times), the CBDNA/NBA Southern Division Conference, the NAfME National Conference, the Florida Music Education Association Annual Conference and in-service Clinic, Music For All Festival (twice), the International Music Festival at Carnegie Hall, and others. The DA Wind Symphony made guest appearances at UNF on October 6, 2017 and at President’s Concert at the 2018 FMEA Conference in Tampa. The Wind Symphony was invited to perform as a “Featured Ensemble” at Music for All National Concert Band Festival in Indianapolis, IN in March of 2020. Most recently, the Wind Symphony was an invited ensemble at the 2023 Western International Band Clinic, and a featured performer at the 2023 New York Wind Band Festival and 2022 CBDNA Southern Division Conference in Columbia, South Carolina.

Jazz Ensemble I


Jazz Ensemble I is the premier big band at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts. Please visit HERE for more information about Jazz Ensemble I. 

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